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"RIKON AC" will offer the newest models of the Panasonic air heat pumps : - par būvniecību Latvijā

"RIKON AC" will offer the newest models of the Panasonic air heat pumps

The Limited Liability Company RIKON AC is an authorized dealer and activated service centre of the Panasonic air conditioners and air heat pumps in Latvia. Supplies the Panasonic NORDIC air-to-air heat pumps and the Panasonic AQUAREA T-CAP air-to-water equipment, designs heating systems based on them, provides installation and maintenance of systems.

The Limited Liability Company RIKON AC is an authorized dealer and activated service centre of the Panasonic air conditioners and air heat pumps in Latvia. Supplies the Panasonic NORDIC air-to-air heat pumps and the Panasonic AQUAREA T-CAP air-to-water equipment, designs heating systems based on them, provides installation and maintenance of systems.

The company provides an unique 7 years warranty for the Panasonic NORDIC 2014/2015 air-to-air models!

All indicated the Panasonic air heat pumps provide high energy efficiency in the Latvian climatic conditions.

The company has installed more than 3500 air-to-air and 300 air-to-water heat pumps throughout Latvia, providing homes heating in fall, winter, spring, their cooling in summer, as well as the hot water production the year round.

The company is also engaged in the design, installation and service of air conditioning and ventilation systems, providing a 5 years warranty. More than 5200 air conditioners are installed.

Contact information:
Tel.: +371 67310975

autors: "RIKON AC" will offer the newest models of the Panasonic air heat pumps
Foto: "RIKON AC" will offer the newest models of the Panasonic air heat pumps; autors: "RIKON AC" will offer the newest models of the Panasonic air heat pumps

autors: "RIKON AC" will offer the newest models of the Panasonic air heat pumps
Foto: "RIKON AC" will offer the newest models of the Panasonic air heat pumps; autors: "RIKON AC" will offer the newest models of the Panasonic air heat pumps

autors: "RIKON AC" will offer the newest models of the Panasonic air heat pumps
Foto: "RIKON AC" will offer the newest models of the Panasonic air heat pumps; autors: "RIKON AC" will offer the newest models of the Panasonic air heat pumps

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